Green Trails offers a satisfaction guarantee for customers joining their excursions. If a guest is not satisfied, a (partial) refund will be given in form of a voucher or a refund, to be agreed upon between the Green Trails and the guest. Our satisfaction guarantee is only valid for bookings made directly with Green Trails and not through any platform, agent or partner. 



The guarantee is subject to restrictions, and does not apply when the customer disssatisfaction is due to

  • misleading descriptions or photos by any source which is not Green Trails.
  • any circumstances which are not experienced during the actual excursion itself, including but not limited to website experience, email / phone contact or booking process.
  • any expectations which can be disregarded by the information provided by Green Trails in form of emails, phone calls or information found anywhere on
  • circumstances that cannot be controlled by Green Trails, including but not limited to weather conditions, situational traffic, or the behavior of other participants during the excursion.
  • the customer not being aware of any information provided by Green Trails during communication, or anywhere on
  • services provided by Green Trails partners. The guarantee is only valid for services directly carried out by Green Trails and its staff. If we for example include a coach transfer for a large group, any dissatisfaction about this service is not covered.